What you say behind the screen surely won’t impact the outcome of your family law proceedings, right? That may not be true. A person’s actions on social media, whether their …

Do I Have a Legal Right to See My Grandkids?
Grandparents do not have a legal right to spend time with their grandchildren, but they may apply for a parenting order. A parenting order is a court order which can …

That’s Not My Name: Changing a Child’s Surname Post-Separation
Where parents separate and one parent wishes to change their child’s surname but the other opposes it, the court will decide the matter based on their assessment of the child’s best interests.

The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023: Amendments in a Nutshell
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 introduces significant changes to the current family law regime.

Does the Family Court Need to Know About Your Sex Life?
Family law disputes inevitably require the parties to provide information about sensitive and personal matters, and this may include information about their sex lives. But it is not the role of the court to judge the personal relationships of the parents, except to the extent that they impact on the best interests of the children.

Life’s Not Like the Parent Trap: Can the Family Court Separate Siblings?
As a general rule, the Family Court has exhibited significant reluctance to order the separation of siblings; however, the court will separate siblings where it is in the bests interests of the children to do so.

Interim Parenting Proceedings: Goode & Goode
The Full Court set out the legal principles applicable to interim parenting proceedings in Goode & Goode.

My Ex Won’t Consent to a Passport. What Happens Next?
An Australian passport cannot be issued without the written consent of each person who has parental responsibility for the child. What can you do if your Ex does not consent?

Relocating the Children Post-Separation
Post-separation, it is common to want to move away and start over. However, relocating can attract legal consequences if there are children of your relationship and the Court may intervene to prevent one parent from moving with the children.

Overseas Travel with Children Post-Separation
Travelling overseas with your children post-separation can be an topic of dispute between parents. A parent may have a genuine concern about parental abduction, or they may fear for the safety of the children while travelling with the other parent. So what are each parent’s rights to travel overseas with their children, and can you prevent your ex-partner from travelling overseas with the children?