In the 2016 case of Walton & Esposito, the husband sought to annul his marriage after his wife left him immediately after obtaining Australian Citizenship.

A Harem of Wives – Is Polygamy Legal in Australia?
Polygamy is illegal in Australia but a polygamous marriage entered into overseas may be recognised in Australia

Online Dating: Don’t Get Murdered. Or Married.
Kemal & Kemal was a case of online dating gone wrong. The wife meet the husband online and ended up “married” after visting him in China. The wife claimed that the marriage had been obtained by fraud and sought a declaration of nullity

Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance is financial support paid by a person’s former spouse or de facto partner where the recipient cannot adequately support themselves.

Annulment of Marriage: The Difference Between Divorce & Annulment
Both annulment and divorce bring a marriage to an end and allow both parties to legally remarry. However, an annulment and a divorce are not the same. A divorce recognises the legal end of a marriage, whilst an annulment decrees that the marriage never legally existed.

The Separation Checklist
Separation is not only stressful and emotionally draining, but also brings up a range of legal issues. The Separation Checklist provides a basic guide of the inital steps you should take immediately following separation.