Winning the Lottery… but Losing it in the Divorce?
Imagine for a moment that you have won the lottery! Whether your first move is...
I’m getting Divorced: Will the Court Split my Superannuation?
If you haven't already, read our article about Superannuation and family law first to understand...
Stumped about Super? Find out about Superannuation and Family Law
Superannuation is property under the Family Law Act and after a relationship breakdown the Court...
The Family Law Amendment Bill: New Obligations for the Independent Children’s Lawyer
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 has introduced new requirements for Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL)...
The Family Law Amendment Bill: Removal of the Presumption of Equal Shared Parental Responsibility
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 has removed the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility...
The Family Law Amendment Bill: Amending the Best Interests Factors
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 has refined the list of 'best interests' factors which...